Next, My Word for 2022
As the year 2021 was being inaugurated I borrowed an idea — to choose a word that would be a theme around which my life would be centered the next 12 months.
The word was “gratitude”, the act of being thankful and returning kindness. Anticipating that we would be coming out of the pandemic and the hard times experienced personally and with family and people across the globe, I surmised that it was not a time for pity or angst, but for hope and, well, gratitude for the opportunity to move forward in life.
But, six weeks into the year, I changed words. Nothing wrong with “gratitude”. But, everywhere I turned this other word kept appearing.
I had fallen into a rhythm of writing an article each week based on one word and posting it on a web site for writers, I am ending the year with 52 words and 52 articles. And, yes, while I have gratitude for the writing experience and its sustaining creative energy, I am looking forward to a repose of some kind.
In week six of 2021 I wrote about another new word that had appeared — “Grace.”
This was a word that had been bantered about in the church I attended in my youth. I could feed back the definition as instructed, but I never really understood it.