Ask These Two Questions
I am in the middle of a beginning.
It’s not my first rodeo, as the saying goes.
It is exciting. It is tenuous. It is scary.
I hesitate to label this experience a “new” beginning. Seems a bit redundant. But, to be sure, every beginning in our lives brings “new” experiences.
What causes a beginning? How do we navigate it? Do you believe in beginnings? What two questions do you consider in undertaking a “new” beginning.
One of the best books I read during the pandemic was “The Gift of Years” by Joan Chittister. It is practical, wise, and inspiring. The book is a guide to re-thinking how we live our lives. That led me to read another of her books, “Radical Spirit.”
Candidly, the second book is, well, less inspiring, but it has some of those wisdom nuggets that Chittister is so capable of delivering.
She writes about what stands between us and the “fullness of our lives”. Love that phrase. Sometimes the events or phenomena are contemporaneous. Sometimes they have history.
She writes that “everyone carries a burden too heavy to ignore.” She calls it “the silent secret with which we struggle…a wound for which there is no balm, a compulsion that holds us captive and…